About Me
I have been studying astrology for over 50 years.
My father was a science writer and always brought home interesting
books and magazines. I was especially captivated by a book
that he once left on the table and never said a word about
– Astrology by the Irish poet, Louis MacNeice.
Although my father had hopes for me to study physics,
I was never deterred from my fascination with astrology after
looking at that first book and seeing the beauty in the symbolism
of the stars and planets. I consider myself very fortunate
to have work that continually inspires me.
I have had a private practice as an astrological counselor
since 1985 and have been the Book Review and (now) Media Editor for
The Mountain Astrologer magazine since 1993. I have written
numerous articles for TMA (both print
and digital) over the years. A recent print article is
The Art of Relating: An Astrological Guide in the April/May
2005 issue.